50’s, 60’s, 70’s, bureau, bureaumeubel, bureel, cabinet, danish, deens, Deense, Denemarken, Denmark, design, desk, dressoir, Dutch design, fifties, hout, houten, industrial, industrieel, industriële, jaren 50, jaren 60, jaren 70, lessenaar, mid century modern, mid-century, modernisme, modernist, modernistisch, Nederland, Nederlands, retro, Scandinavian, scandinavisch, scandinavische, school desk, schrijfbureau, schrijftafel, secretaire, secretary, seventies, sixties, teak, teakhout, teakhouten Modernism, vintage, wood, wooden, workspace, writing desk

Writing desk


Writing desk produced in Holland around 1960. Solid teak frame with 3 drawers on each side and storage space in the back. Can be used freestanding. In good condition.


Width: 146cm

Depth: 74cm

Height: 72cm

Height for chair space: 62 cm

Width for chair space: 60 cm


Price: sold