Laurence coached me about a year ago when I was struggling with quite some stress. ‘Blaffetuurkes naar beneden’ she always told me when I was overstimulated, which means ‘close the curtains’. So that’s what I did after our party… I went to my parents farmhouse for 2 days. Drove around with my dad on his motorbike, watched tv shows with my mother and I did whatever I wanted to do… healthy or unhealthy. Today’s a Monday… for some of us, Mondays can bring worry and stress. But since this Monday is also the first of a new month, it might give us the opportunity to start fresh ✨ (this is where my search to decent coaching brought me:

Laurence coached me about a year ago when I was struggling with quite some stress. ‘Blaffetuurkes naar beneden’ she always told me when I was overstimulated, which means ‘close the curtains’. So that’s what I did after our party… I went to my parents farmhouse for 2 days. Drove around with my dad on his motorbike, watched tv shows with my mother and I did whatever I wanted to do… healthy or unhealthy. Today’s a Monday… for some of us, Mondays can bring worry and stress. But since this Monday is also the first of a new month, it might give us the opportunity to start fresh ✨ (this is where my search to decent coaching brought me:

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At the end of September, we're closing our showroom for an indefinite period of time, because we're taking a sabbatical. Welcome to pass by before 29/9. Stocksale from Saturday 21/9 until Sunday 29/9.
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